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How to Perform
in a Debate
How to Present
a Debate Speech

There is nothing in this world that is completely correct, accurate, and right for acceptance by everyone in this society. Therefore, the debate comes into action. Debate is an argument where students create their logic to prove their statements are correct. Debate improves the speaking ability of students. Every topic of discussion has two sides, one for the motion, and another against the motion. Students are required to stick to one side and fight for the same to prove themselves correct by thinking and putting unavoidable logic before the opponents.

Students can improve their English speaking ability by practicing more and more, so debate is the way to go. Students are forced to speak more to establish themselves right and the other side wrong by throwing statements with their logic. This is a type of argument which everyone wants to win by its human instincts. So, in this process, students speak more English sentences and there is a great opportunity for improvement.

Here are some Debates presentations and Questions to follow:-

Social Media is a Blessing or Curse
Social Media is Boon or Bane
Social Media is Good or Bad

The benefits of social media:-
(With the motion)

Social media is such a platform where we all can stay connected to each other even though we are staying in different corners of the world. Social media binds us together from the kids to the oldest ones, from the farmers to the doctors, and even from the poor to the richest of the world. It helps us to overcome the obstacles of physical distance.

Social media is a platform where we can share information in a very easy process with other people. Official communications are also held here in the most convenient ways.

Introverted persons find difficulties approaching their boyfriends and girlfriends but they feel happy and comfortable to find them across this vast platform. We can continue our healthy relationships with our relatives and friends who are separated physically because of different reasons.

Social media keeps us motivated most of the time by lifting our self-esteem. As we know life has to experience both sorrow and delight, so whenever someone faces obstacles in their life, they stay upset because everything cannot be achieved smoothly in everyone's life; different motivational videos are available across this platform, and the legendary speakers heal the emotional wound, and it pushes the confidence to the next label, and they can fight out the hurdle with most ease in their life.

Some have got a job outside of the state or country, and some have settled down in other places, so we can keep in contact with them emotionally like we used to do physically by just sharing some posts.

It not only helps students in the process of their education but also helps the teacher to stay updated with the current trends and syllabus.

We all witnessed the COVID-19 pandemic and we cannot deny the contribution of social media at that time. We all were restricted from moving out of our shelter to stop the contagious virus from spreading around the world and it was the social media that had let us continue our work and education, otherwise the world would have stopped. Now if we imagine life during COVID without online classes and online conferences then it would have been a real disaster. During that time the one and half years without social media could have taken us a hundred years back both economically and technically to that of our progress.

Financially weak Students can study across the YouTube platform under the guidance of the best teachers, who upload their educational lectures on this platform. Students can share notes with other students, who need these.

Social media is the best platform to promote a startup business at a minimum cost. Businessmen can easily reach the users of these platforms and they can find potential customers across this vast platform. They can find customers not only from the country but also from abroad. On the other hand, customers are being informed about different new products and services available across this platform. It creates employment opportunities because when someone needs employees they can throw advertisements on this social media platform so that the jobseekers will be informed about the requirements.

Political parties also use this platform to campaign and they influence a large number of audiences, who are using this platform daily.

When someone goes through any financial crisis or any other difficulties then they can find help from many kindhearted persons across this platform.

It is the platform where instant news is spread to the audience much faster than any other media. So we can find those happenings on social media which are held in and around the world. The users can be informed about great individuals like sports persons, Doctors, Politicians, and other influencers in the world.

The kids and young generations are influenced by them and their achievements. They accept them as their idols and they wish to follow them in their life.

We come to know about the new inventions and innovations of different techniques and equipment, which take us one step ahead and bring more comfort and joy to society as a whole.

There are so many other good aspects of this platform that are not discussed here from which we are benefitting in our day-to-day life. Nowadays artificial intelligence is also integrated into social media and it is taking the development to its apex. No one can say, in the coming days, where we are going to reach, therefore it is inevitable to say that social media is a blessing for mankind.

We know that there are some prejudices to disfavor these sides along with so many glorious contributions that cannot be paid off. So we have to accept those few limitations to enjoy the vast praise of glorious achievements. We need to learn to use this platform correctly and then we can always stay safe, as we know fire is the greatest invention of all time, without fire, nothing can be done, on the other hand, if fire is utilized in the wrong way then it can burn everything which comes its way.

Question to be asked:-

The drawbacks of the social media:-
(Against the motion)

Users are connected to it most of the time of the day like lice in the human body which feeds on us so gradually that it even stays unnoticed by us. Social media distracts the relationships among friends, relatives, and neighbors even those who are staying together in nearby places. So it creates physical disparity among genuine relations.

This is such a kind of addiction that takes everyone under its grip from kids to aged persons, it does not spare a single one on this earth. People run after followers and likes and they compare themselves with others on this platform, they sometimes cross all limits to grow their followers. Sometimes they go beyond themselves to show others their fake status, intending to let others feel down.

Many users suffer from FOMO which is fear of missing out, they find themselves less important than others on that platform, and that affects them badly in their personal lives. Many users go to depression and some of them commit crimes like suicide also.

According to the data, students who access social media, score at least twenty percent lower marks in their academics. Social media distracts everyone from their main focus. Different types of pictures and videos are available on social media, which distracts the user's attention. Users end up watching such things, that they are not intended to watch but they are made to watch during most of their precious time. The addictions to interaction on social media and the games on social media have been ruining the careers of kids, teenagers, and youth. The users are influenced by different unsocial, uncivilized, and unhealthy practices. We know that teenagers are always fascinated by glitters that shine but are not genuine, so they are attracted by the fake and show-off way of living.

Rumors spread faster than facts and people believe more in rumors than the original news because rumors are always spicy. Some users always doubt to believe any news including the reality because they have been cheated by fake news many times before, so now they fear to trust any news across social media.

Job seekers are trapped and cheated badly by the false advertisement posts of job vacancies because most of the post vacancies are fake. Customers are also harassed so many times because none of the product posts are verified.

From the student's perspective, they get educational videos on that platform but the correctness of the content is always questioned and students also find difficulties in collecting content and videos that match their syllabus from a single source or channel under YouTube.

We know that notifications appear frequently on the screen and that divert our attention from studying or working to something else. Nowadays adult content is also promoted and linked with social media and we know very well that these are not appropriate for kids, these affect the kid's mental health adversely.

Young boys and girls are involved in fake relations because the identity of the users are not verified and they have to face the consequences later in their life, which sometimes spoil the whole life of those victims and some of them fail to find a reason to live their life further and they decide to follow the horrible steps.

Platforms are not completely secure and many of the profiles are hacked and those are used in the wrong way for unlawful purposes. We know that private information can be sniped easily by hackers and so many users go into serious trouble.

Nowadays, it has become a fashion to show figures and skin to reach an audience and followers. Quality educational content has fewer views compared to absurd and explicit content. Young and teenage girls wear half-nude dresses and they seduce male audiences with their Seductive body language.

We see quite often that deepfake cases have been increasing in numbers for the last few years, where photos of the user's gallery are captured from the social media account and those are melded into nude videos to blackmail the users.

Public solicitation and pimping are very common these days although it is illegal but still flurries in lips and bounces and social media is the best platform to reach the demand for it but the disaster is that it has taken the youth down to the barrel. The compulsion of marriage has been diminishing gradually day by day as biological needs can be fulfilled easily by the contact informed openly across this platform.

Social media eliminates job opportunities as it along with artificial intelligence does the tasks of thousands of workforces by itself. We were living our lives in a much better way before the introduction of social media therefore it is inevitable to say that social media is the curse of mankind.

Question to be asked:-